What is OneSmartWorld?

OneSmartWorld is a Performance Improvement Company

We help teams work smarter together using one simple system for problem solving, collaboration and leadership development. Our clients save time and money, and build higher performing teams by engaging the remarkable intelligence of their people.

What do we mean by smarter together? We believe that brainpower is the most vital resource a team has. As team members, we contribute not only what we know but how we think. Core to our work is the understanding that people think differently and that cognitive diversity is a team’s greatest asset. Being smarter together is about bringing all that brainpower together using processes and tools that help teams get the best return on collective intelligence. That’s smart.

Our Big Vision

Cognitive Diversity is a team's greatest asset, advantage & challenge

Our vision is for a world where people’s differences, including their thinking style, are recognized, valued and engaged -- where cognitive diversity is understood to be a team’s greatest asset and an advantage.

Today the world faces new challenges never before seen. New skills and tools are needed to solve the world’s most pressing problems. It is only through the collective intelligence and engagement of all of us that we will be successful in meeting the challenges of the moment.

Cognitive Diversity and OneSmartWorld


Your People + Our Solutions
